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Ephesians 4:32 "Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God has forgiven you."


People who show their true compassion to others will not change the situation but might alleviate some of the sorrow and pain that is involved. A person cannot keep bad things from happening but the response of you and others is what is truly important. When you help others, it may help the giver as much as the receiver. All problems cannot be solved but always remember that God is there for you. Turn to him in your hour of need and let others into your life. With compassion, a person needs to recognize the suffering of others and show kindness and empathy toward them.

Something that does happen-does happen for a reason that we do not understand. Have a deep awareness and concern for others. You cannot put yourself in their place as each individual has their own path to follow but you can show concern and consideration for them. Treat others like you want and need them to treat you. Give of yourself to others and do not always expect them to reciprocate with you. But knowing that you made the effort to take away their pain is one of your greatest attributes to show what a fantastic person that you truly are.

This compassion does not only apply to a major catastrophic event but can apply to making sure someone who is ill or has had an accident is alright, someone who may need some encouragement for what is happening in their life, Someone who is down and maybe on the verge of depression, needs to know that you really care about them. It only takes a moment to check up on someone. Do it not only for them but also for yourself.


Love and Blessings for 2025!

Judy Russell

Nurse assisting elderly man


Phone 727-522-7133


3700 40th Avenue N.

St. Petersburg, FL  33714

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