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MAY 2024 

Psalms 23:4  "Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me, your rod and your staff, they comfort me."

A person that decides to go into the military service and will perhaps have to go into a battle against an enemy is certainly someone that you should be proud of and their commitment to others in order to protect our rights and lives. Memorial Day is a day to remember these brave people who might have had to make the ultimate sacrifice to protect our freedom and independence. Some of these people we might have met but the majority of them we do not know but they have chosen to serve us, and our country and we are honoring them not just on Memorial Day, but every day.

These military people may have been surrounded by loss and trauma that we have not experienced and may never completely understand. Not to say that all the memories are bad but there are some. However, these brave people have made sacrifices for us and our country. On Memorial Day, we stand in remembrance of these people who have suffered greater tragedies than we have ever imagined. But their ultimate goal was to protect us and our freedom. We are remembering and honoring these heroes even if they were not in direct battle. They supported our country in so many ways. We are honoring them because their lives were a blessing, their memory is a treasure, they are loved beyond words, and missed beyond measure. We say many prayers and blessings to these brave people who may be gone but certainly not forgotten. The memories of those who helped us keep our freedom are why we have a Memorial Day.

If you have never been to Bay Pines Cemetery, here in St Petersburg, on Memorial Day weekend, then you are really missing a patriotic, inspiring, and beautiful sight as every grave site has an American flag placed on it. This is done by volunteers every year. I have personally gone out there for many years to see this. Now, my husband, who served in Vietnam, both of my parents, as my Father served in World War II, my aunt and uncle who served in the Korean War, and other relatives and friends who served in the military are buried there. The sight of all those flags flying in the breeze is overwhelming and we are blessed to have all of those service men and woman to care for our freedom. God Bless All of Them.

With Deep Love and Appreciation,

Judy Russell

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